Tåsinge Plads

Tåsinge Square was transformed from a plain grass area and parking spaces to a green oasis. The square is now an urban habitat with a rainforest area, flowers, wild herbs, slopes facing the sun and a café area. The rainforest area is filled with plants that can grow in a wet environment. Rainwater is collected from the nearby roofs in an underground reservoir and used to surprise children and others when they rock a tile and the water splash from giant metallic water drops.

The area is sloped to collect rainwater at the bottom of the slopes, where it seeps into the ground instead of being directed to the drains. Water from the streets is collected in so-called water beds, filled with mould that filters the water. This climate adaption creates capacity in the drains to prevent flooding and damages.

Find further information here and here.

16 Mio. DKK
2000 m²
2013 - 2015