News from the Blue Community Berlin

The Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection has launched a new website on the topic of Blue Community as well as published a flyer. In addition, the Senate of Berlin has discussed the topic of Blue Community Berlin at the Senate meeting on July 7, 2020 (see press release) and reported on the current status to the House of Representatives (see below).

Berlin has become a Blue Community member following a resolution by the House of Representatives on March 22, 2018, with which the State of Berlin has committed to the following principles:

- Recognition of water and basic sanitation as a human rights, - Preservation of water as a public good, - Protection of the quality of urban drinking water and of Berlin's rivers and lakes, - Promotion of Berlin tap water compared to bottled water, - Maintaining international partnerships with regard to the above objectives.

The Blue Community is planning a dialogue event with the environmental policy spokespersons of the parliamentary groups in the Berlin House of Representatives to take place in October 2020. Urban Waters Berlin at IGB will contribute with its expertise in protecting Berlin’s waters.